It’s showtime! Top tips for selling your home in Spring

It’s showtime! Top tips for selling your home in Spring

Getting your home ready for a Spring sale can be both exciting and daunting.  Spring is the most popular time to sell and with so many homes on the market all vying for attention, you want to make sure yours get the attention it so rightly deserves. Here are our 8 top…

Getting your home ready for a Spring sale can be both exciting and daunting. 

Spring is the most popular time to sell and with so many homes on the market all vying for attention, you want to make sure yours get the attention it so rightly deserves.

Here are our 8 top tips to make sure your home is “showtime” ready. 

1. Dress to impress

It’s not just what’s on the inside, but what’s on the outside that matters too.

Curb appeal is a phrase we’ve all heard about and without it, the homebuyer may very well just drive on by.

  • Clear away any rubbish or vegetation
  • Hide rubbish bins, park excess cars, boats, and the like away from the home and out of the driveway. Having too much in the front yard can make it appear there is not enough storage in your home and well, make it look a bit messy.
  • It goes without saying that the garden should be tidy, with the lawns mowed and garden beds free of weeds. Overgrown hedging and untidy lawns can send the signal that the garden is too hard to maintain, and a buyer’s precious weekends will be tied up getting dirt under their nails!
  • Make sure your front fence or gate is in working order and the paint is fresh and clean.

2. Fix it

We’ve all been spending a lot more times in our homes recently, and we  now know exactly which doors stick, what hinges are loose, what taps or shower heads are leaking, and what light bulbs need replacing. Go through each room, make your list and get to work.

3. Declutter– the word we all know and hate. Yes, its hard. Yes, its not fun. But this is one thing that has to be done. The good thing is, it will also save you time when you are getting packed up and ready to move. For tips on decluttering,

4. Uncle Jo has to go

We love our families but too much physical evidence, as in too many personal photos and memorabilia, can have a detrimental effect on would be buyers. Yes, they know people live there, but they also need to be able to imagine themselves living there too.

Try to minimise the photos, sports awards, makeup bags on the counter, and a fridge door full of reminders and schedules.

5. Out with the old, in with the new

If the furniture you have in your home has seen much better days, or does not suit the style of the home, it may be best to invest in a property stylist and renting furniture for the duration of your marketing campaign.

A correctly styled and “dressed” property can make the biggest difference.

6. Bring in the outsider

When we are in it, we don’t see it. 

Sometimes you need to get an outsiders point of view. Ask a friend or your agent to give you honest feedback on how your property is looking, smelling, feeling. Constructive feedback is a way of fixing any issues before your first open house and not run the risk of turning off any potential purchasers.

7. Appeal to the senses

What does your home say to buyers when they first walk in? Does it appeal to most, if not all, of their senses?

Sight – how does it look? Clean, inviting, and uncluttered is the aim.

Freshly cut flowers around the home, and bowls of bright fruit well placed in the kitchen add to the visual appeal of your rooms.

Smell – fresh, sweet and not overpowering (we don’t want people to think you’re trying to disguise something). No one wants to smell last night’s curry or Johnny’s sweaty old football boots. Get rid of the rubbish- house hunters have a tendency to open your cupboards- any cupboard- so take out the trash before you leave the house. Light some candles, open the windows to let the fresh air in- and try to steer clear of that Friday night fry up.

Sound – some mellow not too intrusive background music adds to the inviting atmosphere and puts people at ease.

Touch – again, it’s the clean factor, door handles, bench tops, stoves and the like should be dust free, grease free and clean. Buyers will always run their hands over your kitchen and bathroom benches. Make sure the marmalade and toothpaste is not an unwanted surprise in the touch test.

Taste – Maybe not the most important sense to fill, but having a coffee cart (or a gelato cart in summer) can go a long way in making your buyers feel more “at home” in your home.

And finally…

8. Get rid of the evidence

Around 62% of households in Australia own a pet so chances are pretty high that your home has one too. For an open home, the doghouse can be outside, but take Fido with you when you leave. Do a very good scout around the yard to make sure all the doggy “do” has been taken care of, and if you have a cat, take kitty with you, and her litter box too.

Give your home the best chance of standing out from the crowd by following these eight simple steps – and of course selecting a Stone agent to manage and secure your sale for the best possible price!